Embed Tableau

Tableau is the world's leading end-to-end data and analytics platform.

Leverage the analytical powerhouse of Tableau to analyze and visualize data. The Embedding Playbook teaches you how to compose Tableau's varied product capabilities into applications that thrill customers, coworkers, and friends!

Beyond creating visual representations of data, Tableau provides the greatest benefits as it helps people discover what information is valuable to others. It enables users to analyze data and build the interfaces that represent them with unmatched speed and flexibility resulting in a springboarding of ideas into value.

import { TableauEventType } from 'https://public.tableau.com/javascripts/api/tableau.embedding.3.latest.js';
// Get the viz object from the HTML web component
const viz = document.querySelector('tableau-viz');
// Wait for the viz to become interactive
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // Add an event listener to verify the viz becomes interactive
  viz.addEventListener(TableauEventType.FirstInteractive, () => {
// Make the Overview dashboard the active sheet
const dashboard = await viz.workbook.activateSheetAsync('Overview');
// Get the worksheet we want to use
const worksheet = dashboard.worksheets.find((ws) => ws.name === 'SaleMap');
// *** Insert your code below! ***

✨ Embed Tableau